Hello...Hello...Hello! Work has been so extremely busy lately that when I come home I am exhausted and not really in the mood to blog, sorry guys! But I'm back!!! :)

I recently read an article on ClearChannel's website about them partnering with The United Service Organization (USO), to help support our American troops and their families worldwide. ClearChannel has agreed to run more than 200,000 PSA's country-wide in order to increase awareness for different programs that we can get ourselves involved in, in order to support the lives of the military and their families. Some of these programs include USO's Worldwide Warrior programs, overall fundraising initiatives, care package, and "Operation Phone Home", just to name a few.

My cousin/best friend Dashun is in the Air Force and he was deployed for two whole years! Everyday I missed and prayed for him so I know what it is like to have someone out there that you care for. Two causes that I always support are "Support Our Troops" and "Breast Cancer Awareness", these two initiatives hold a close spot in my heart because family members were affected by them.

I know that most companies have some sort of Community Awareness/Involvement program spelled out somewhere in their business plan either to really make a difference or to just seem like they are doing a good deed. Either way, I love it when companies make known to the public what they are doing. It shows a great deal of character and integrity within their leaders. One of the books that we have been reading for our Executive Leadership class titled "Developing the Leader Within You" talks a lot about the important characteristics of a leader. What I have read so far has definitely inspired me to start changing myself in order to be a great leader in future years.
Take a look at the article, browse through ClearChannels website and see what local ClearChannel stations are in your city! Listen for the USO commercials and go support!
Love you guys! And I promise not to stay gone for so long next time!
~*Love, Peace, & Radio*~
Wow, I didn't know ClearChannel will be running that many PSA'S..that is crazy but wonderful!!! I rally for both of the causes you mentioned as well and I am a fan of ClearChannel too. I tried to get a job with them in NYC with no response back so far but that's fine lol. Great post Shon! And Developing the Leader Within You is starting to have its effects on me too and how I see things as a leader or at least is getting me to think more like a leader, nothing but good things!
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