After our intense sales meeting this morning, things started looking better for our team! We went to lunch, shared some laughs, and I went back to the office and set four appointments for next week! "GOLD STAR FOR MARCUS!" (That was a shout out to my homegirl over at EbJohn.BlogSpot.Com)...After work, we headed across the street for Happy Hour and the rest is history. One thing I have realized is that the world of radio will have you on a never-ending roller coaster. One day can be great, and the next day you can go home feeling not so great (kinda like how I was feeling yesterday....blah!) I was told this during my interview process, but I guess I had to experience it to believe it.
As a side note, I think I want to do a blog post dedicated to Lala (Alani Vasquez) and her journey through radio. I absolutely LOVE her! I follow her on twitter (@LaLa), she is so down-to-earth!! Anywho, I learned some things about her yesterday from some of her biographies that I had no idea about. I have been looking for a video of her where she talks about how she got her start in radio. I don't know if this even exists but if anyone knows of where to find one please let me know!
I am also going to write a post on my wants, desires, and career aspirations within the radio industry. Maybe I will leave that for Saturday when I don't have stuff that happened at work to talk about. Yep, that's it, I think I just had an epiphany!! During the week, Monday-Friday I will talk about the happenings in the office and on Saturdays and Sundays I will do blog posts more about research and professional type stuff! Haha...I'm so smart! LOL...
Well ,that's about all I have for tonight folks...
~*Love, Peace, & Radio*~
"And Today Was A Good Today..."
Sales Contest at Work...
Ok, so for the last two days we have had this sales contest going on at work with some great incentives tagged on for the winners. Let me say that I came home today feeling absolutely DEFEATED!!! Now everyone has been telling me not to feel bad because I am new and I wasn't really expected to sell much because I don't have a customer base, but HOLY CRAP...I sold absolutely NOTHING!! Yep, a big fat ZERO...totally not a hero!! LOL. The contest may be over but I HAVE TO SELL SOMETHING BY THE END OF THE WEEK!!! When I first started this job my goal was to have at least one sale within the first month. The end of my first month is Friday, yes....THIS FRIDAY!!! I am determined to sell something. I have to! Not because my job is threatened by it, I haven't had "the talk" with my boss just yet, but because I am very competitive. All of my colleagues have been in the industry for at least 2 years, some even 20-something years, so no, I don't expect to measure up to them exactly but I want to make my mark at our stations. Now don't get me wrong, since I have started people have been telling me great things about what I have been doing in regards to getting on the phones, setting appointments with clients, and catching on to processes. The missing piece is the MULAH....the MONEY!!!! GOODNESS GRACIOUS! SOMEBODY...ANYBODY...GIVE ME SOME MONEY!!!!!!

Whew! Ok, I think I am done with my rant. I will keep you guys posted on what happens by the end of the week. If on Friday you don't hear anything from me by 7pm....ALERT THE POLICE!!! LOL...just kidding. But, no really, pray that I get something this week! Let's go team SHONTIELLE!
Chat with you guys soon!
~*Love, Peace, & Radio*~
Hello...Hello..Is This Thing On?!?!?
I have always wanted to start a blog of my own but never took out the time to do so. I guess I can thank the curriculum creators of my Executive Leadership class for this opportunity. Thanks guys!!! :)
Anywho, when reading this blog you should expect to learn more about me, the ups and downs of my career in radio, what is going on in my classes, etc. I plan to write about EVERYTHING that occurs in my life and has to do with my journey through the world of radio.
Check out the "About Me" tab to learn a little more about who I am and where I came from. One thing, though, that I did not include in my short biography is that I have a dog, a Toy Poodle to be exact, his name is Biggie. He has the "fortunate" opportunity of being an innocent bi-stander during my screams of rejoice and my angry rants. Its just the two of us in this little one-bedroom apartment in the West Valley of Phoenix, AZ so he has no choice but to listen and put up with me, hehe.
Another thing to be aware of is that I will probably very often switch between a silly, informal blog post to a more serious, thoroughly researched analysis of any segment of my industry. No, I'm not bi-polar, I just like to call it....diverse! :)
Once again, welcome to my blog!! I hope you decide to return on a regular basis. Feel free to comment and let me know who you are and if you would like me to talk about anything in particular.
Talk to you soon!
~*Love, Peace, & Radio*~